Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Solar food dryer

This year I'm finally dedicating myself to growing a decent size garden. I will have to move sprinklers and cut out sod, but I'm feeling this is really important and I've wanted one every single year anyway, so I'm finally doing it! With this new garden, I've decided that I want a food dehydrator, but I want to conserve energy as much as possible, so why not use the energy from the sun? Did you know you can build a solar food dryer out of cardboard boxes and duct tape??? That's just way too cool! I would like mine to last a while so I will be building mine a bit more elaborately, but if I run out of time, then I'm taking the cardboard box route for sure. I'm excited for sun dried tomatoes, herbs and fruit, etc...!!! BUT for now, I have to watch the snow fall and keep this in my dreams for the near future....*sigh*

Monday, February 2, 2009

I know, I know....

I've been slacking in the blog department.

The hubby and I have been getting up at 4am to exercise, so you would think I have more time, but I still haven't found much free time. I did get some time this weekend to work on some things and here's something new I figured out on my own. Do any of you remember this picture?

NOTE: For some reason the picture doesn't pop up to a new screen when it is clicked on, so I'm posting this on my photo blog too and I'm sure you'll get a better view of it over there.
