Friday, May 23, 2008


So I've only been at this for a few days and I'm HOOKED! This is right up my ally and so much BETTER than manually scrapbooking which I never really have gotten into. I'm having fun looking at everyone elses blogs and "stealing" ideas off them too! -

All Care Animal Referral Center

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chocolate Vanilla Twist

I thought I would fill you all in on the meaning behind the name of our blog.

When my older son was about 4 he came up to me and told me that Daddy was chocolate. I thought that he meant Daddy liked chocolate (because he's a chocoholic) I said well then what is Mommy? He then replied "vanilla". I continued asking him what all of the kids were and he said Kiana was chocolate, he was vanilla and Aaron was vanilla. Ever since this little convo, Rob has dubbed himself "Chocolate Thunder" and me "Vanilla Lighting" and the kids are "Chocolate Vanilla Twist".

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Family history humor

I'm teaching a family history class tonight. It's called Jumpstarting your family history. I put together a page of humor in honor of my class.

WARNING: Very contagious to adults.
SYMPTOMS: Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places. Patient has blank expression and is sometimes deaf to spouse and children. Has no taste for work of any kind except feverishly looking for records at libraries and courthouses. Has compulsion to write letters. Swears at mail carrier when s/he does not leave mail.
Frequents strange places such as cemeteries, ruins and remote, desolate country areas. Makes secret calls at night. Hides phone bills.
TREATMENT: There is no known cure. Medication is useless. Disease is not fatal, but gets progressively worse. Patient should attend genealogy workshops, subscribe to genealogical magazines, and be given a quiet corner in the house where s/he can be alone with his/her computer.
REMARKS: The unusual nature of this disease is.....the sicker the patient gets, the more s/he enjoys it!
“I looked up my family tree and found out I was a sap!”
At hand is a letter addressed to my name from a genealogy researcher who claims to have traced my family tree. He certainly knows how to get your attention. It begins:
"Your Majesty".
"I'd rather be looking for dead people than have them looking for me!"
“I've heard that if you help someone with their research, you will be admitted to genealogy heaven. May be the closest some people get.”
Where's the PROfF: InSaniTy runS in mY fAmiLy
In Salt Lake City, Utah everyone is into researching their family tree. Even the big department stores sell genealogy supplies. A newcomer to Salt Lake City, and a non-researcher, got a job as a clerk at one of the big department stores. She received her introduction to genealogy one day when a customer came into the store and asked " Where do I find the Family Group Sheets?" The new clerk, with a shocked look on her face, answered, " Family Group Sheets ? All we carry are the King, Queen, double and twin size sheets."

Family pic

So the hubby was reading the blog last night and was teasing me that I didn't post a pic of our family, so here it is folks........

Chocolate Vanilla Twist.....hehe

Monday, May 19, 2008

War on Laundry

by Jennifer Hanlon

Nearly everyday I wage a silent war in my home: The War on Laundry. I know it's pathetic that in my narrow little world, a pile of clean, folded laundry is a thing of ongoing torment versus a thing of pride and privilege. After all, people in many parts of the world would be thrilled to have such a "problem". Still, problems are relative, and this is mine.
Take one house. Add 2 adults, a child, and a dog. Blend thoroughly with a little sweat, grass, sand, dirt, paint, Play-Doh, ketchup, Juicy Juice, ink, rotavirus, and urine. (The child is potty training, after all.) This is a recipe for about 8-10 loads of laundry a week, give or take.
Now, add one baby to the mix. Ka-boom! You've got yourself another 4 loads of laundry per week. How can this be? It defies all logic that one additional human, who is approximately 1/10th the size of me, can produce 2-3 times the laundry of the average adult. The laundry is so much cuter, but there's so much more of it!
In my house the laundry room is in the basement. That means I can go for days without actually seeing the pile, thereby allowing myself to live in denial that a rapidly-growing-cancerous-lesion-of-a-laundry-pile is growing unchecked in the bowels of the house. If I let it go for more than a few days, I start to feel anxious. Eventually, I'll go downstairs for something – a beer or a child's toy or a screwdriver – and there it will be: The Noxious Pile of Decaying Fabric. The Cold Mountain of Soiled Garments. Insidious Suburban Laundry Sprawl.
It didn't used to be this way. Once upon a time I was a freewheeling single gal. Just me, one laundry basket, and pocket full of quarters for the 'mat. Remember those lazy days spent at the laundromat, reading someone's discarded 3-month-old People magazines that you could never afford to buy yourself? Okay, so those days weren't so great. But what a difference today: I own at least nine laundry baskets, my very own washer and dryer, and an arsenal of cleansing, soaking, stain-lifting, and softening products. Oh, and a husband whose laundry incompetence is so practiced and so selective as to border on pathological. ("Oh, you mean wool still shrinks in the dryer?")
And speaking of that arsenal: it is interesting to me how the two Weapons of Laundry Mass Destruction – The Washer and The Dryer – were once so loved and now so hated by me. Even as a kid, my favorite chore was doing laundry. After I bought my first house – washer and dryer included – I hugged them. Repeatedly. To own appliances after years of renting – what joy! But I digress…
I'm told that this too shall pass, but not before it gets just a bit worse. After all, babies turn into teens with bigger, smellier laundry. Laundry with attitude! But at least they can do it themselves, right? Or am I living in a fantasy world?

First Post

Hi I just wanted to start a blog to keep certain people updated on us.

We are staying busy busy with 4 and I've personally reached a "who cares" point in my life. If the 6 year old is making PB & J sandwiches for himself and making a HUGE mess, I simply think "who cares" at least he's getting something to eat and then I ask him to make one for his little brother too.

We finally got a FENCE!! And the kids fianally got their TRAMPOLINE!! We are lovin our backyard.

Our Mini schnauzer might be pregnant and we have NO IDEA who the father might be. I feel really strange about it, like my teenage daughter came home and told me she's pregnant, ya know? Well anyway, we have a mini dachshund male that is not fixed who lives across the street, so if it was him, then our puppies will look like this: